Our Donors
Yulia Akerholt & Martin Connor
Justin Angus
Alice Ansara
Martha Ansara
Antonia Barnard
Nicholas & Jytte Beauman
Annmaree Bell
Rosemary Blight
Annie Breslin
Paul Brincat
Anni Browning
Anne Bruning
Tammy Burnstock
Lloyd Carrick
Nigel Christensen
Colleen Clarke
Dany Cooper
Gethin Creagh
John Cruthers & Elaine Baker
Miranda Culley
Ric Curtin
Damian Del Borrello
Liam Egan
Barry Fernandes
Jacqui Fine
Judith Fox
Alex Gastrell
Ben Grant
Cameron Grant
Mike Honey
Karen Johnson
Leah Katz
John Kassab
Thom Kellar
Catherine Knapman
David Laidley
Nicky Lancaster
Mark Lewis
Sue Maslin
Krispin McAndrew
Steve McDonald
Megan McMurchy
Peter Miller
Tania Nehme
Chris Oliver
Adrienne Parr
Libby Pashley
Deborah Peart
Lorraine Pickering
Derek Powell
Livia Ruzic
Robert Searls
Annabelle Sheehan
Emile Sherman
John Simpson
Maria Sini
Pete Smith
Corrie Soeterboek
Robert Stalder
Kate Stone
Robert Sullivan
James Sutton
Keith Thomas
Frans Vandenburg
Jenny Ward
Liz Watts
How to Donate
Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. To donate please go to the Australian Communities Foundation website, and in the Sub-Fund field type Andrew Plain. The actual fund name, GM281-The Andrew Plain Memorial Fund, will appear and then continue with your donation. Andrew’s family and the ASSG thank you for your donation.