Lifetime Achievement Award Submission

The Syd Butterworth Lifetime Achievement Award

The ASSG Syd Butterworth Lifetime Achievement Award is given each year to an individual, or individuals, in recognition of significant and enduring contribution to the Australian Screen Sound industry, and for valuable enrichment of the field according to the stated aims of the Australian Screen Sound Guild.

Nomination Criteria

Nominations are accepted from all ASSG Full Members. The nominee need not necessarily be a sound practitioner, nor a member of the ASSG. The Guild may also choose to make the award posthumously if the circumstances are appropriate. The Guild will consider a group of individuals to be eligible for the Award, if those individuals are deemed to be a strong collaborative unit.

All nominations will be assessed on their comparative merits by the standing Committee, who will decide the eventual recipient by majority vote. This is an important award, but is necessarily subjective. It should not be viewed to be in any way competitive.

All submissions for this recognition are considered in confidence by the Committee, and nominations will not be publicly disclosed. The President and members of the standing Committee are not eligible for this award while in office.

Nominations for the Syd Butterworth Lifetime Achievement Award should be forwarded by email to the President with a short explanation of the reason for nomination.

Some useful things to mention in your submission

These are a few suggestions to help you. They are not requirements for your submission.

Name of the person you are submitting
A brief summary of who they are (a one liner will do)
Why you are nominating this person for the Lifetime Achievement
Examples you could mention
How has this person impacted others? Education, Mentorship, Lobbing, Activism.
How has this person impacted you? In your career or personally
What makes this person stand out? This could be their human nature, commitment, professional standing.

Email your submission