Make It Australian

Statement from Australian Screen Industry

On November 27, 2023 – Representatives of unions, guilds and industry associations from across the Australian screen industry have met to discuss their response to the Australian Government’s Refined Regulatory Models for the regulation of streaming services, as par of the current negotiations between the Australian screen industry, streaming businesses, broadcasters and the Australian Government.

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The Australian screen industry is a valuable contributor to our national identify – and our economy.

But with Australian content now disappearing from our screens, we urgently need these very profitable streaming platforms to play their part in making Australian stories. 

This issue is too important to simply leave to the whim of global business decisions. It needs real action from the Australian Parliament. 

It’s vital that we ensure Australians can see themselves and their stories on popular platforms like Netflix and Disney+.

We need to urgently secure a stable future for the Australian screen industry – that creates and makes that content.